UX Design Principles for Mobile Application Development

UX design has come one of the hottest buzzwords in the world of mobile app and web design. Yet so many design brigades actually understand what it means and how to apply it duly. Whether you ’re a prospective UX developer, entrepreneur, or business stoner that wants to produce a mobile app, this companion is perfect for you. We ’ll dive deep into the core UX design principles that must be applied to ensure your app is a success.


What's UX Design?

stoner experience ( UX) design is the process of creating products that deliver meaningful and applicable gests to end- druggies. It encompasses all stages of acquiring and integrating the design, including usability, branding, and functionality.

UX design is generally associated with software, mobile apps, and web design company Houston. But these generalities can be applied to any product, system, or service. For illustration, whether you ’re creating a can nature, web runner, or an hand onboarding process, ease of use and enhanced stoner experience are important for all three. For our purposes in this companion, we ’re going to concentrate more on UX design as it applies to mobile apps.


Why is UX Design Important?

UX design principles give the strong foundation that’s needed to make all of the creative rudiments associated with your design. This includes everything from design patterns to commerce models, wireframes, storyboards, prototypes, and more. As the name implies, UX ( stoner experience) design focuses on the stoner and the stoner’s experience. But numerous contrivers find this description to be a bit vague and harmful when they ’re going through the design process.

That’s where the UX design principles come into play. However, UX design will be integrated into each step of the UX design, If you understand these principles and core design generalities through each design phase.

Eventually, UX design is so important because it has a direct impact on the stoner’s perception of your product. However, it’s going to leave druggies with a bad taste in their mouths, If the visual design is unpleasing or the design usability fails. Again, a great UX design keeps druggies engaged and coming back for further which is pivotal for mobile apps.


What’s the Difference Between the UX Design Process and UI Design?

UX design is nearly always associated with stoner interface ( UI) design. These terms are frequently used concertedly and occasionally interchangeably. But UX factors and UI factors are actually veritably different. In a nutshell, UI design is about the specialized rudiments that make it possible for druggies to interact with a product. UX design focuses more on the stoner’s overall experience and perception of the software.

UX design is about working problems and addressing pain points a stoner might be passing, whereas UI design encompasses the look and feel. The former forces you to find the right UI factors to complete specific conduct, navigate, and use the app with ease. The ultimate is further of a holistic view of the design. Both of these are really important to consider to truly understand UX design principles. For further information, you can read our complete companion on the differences between UX and UI design.


10 UX Design Principles For Mobile App Development

Now that you understand the basics of UX design, what it means, and why it’s so important, it’s time to dive deep into stoner experience design principles. We ’ve linked and explained the top ten UX design principles that every UX developer needs to know.

 1. Prioritize the stoner

First and foremost, you need to meet the druggies’ needs. A stoner- centric design is arguably the most crucial UX design principle for mobile app development. Indeed in the early stages, you need to suppose about what druggies actually look for in a design. numerous contrivers frequently drop the ball then because they make too numerous hypotheticals. Some design generalities might feel like a great idea to you but you ’re not the stoner.

There’s a big difference between what you suppose druggies will do and what they actually do.

Testing your design generalities with a stoner control group is the stylish way to validate these ideas before putting them into practice. As contrivers gain further chops in their practice, they generally step too far outside of the box. They ’re more focused on impressing their associates and pushing design generalities to the limits. When this happens, the stoner experience gets lost in the equivocation, and the UX design fails. You must find a balance between elegant designs that are combined with form and function. The stoner experience must be integrated into your app design at the foremost stages, or a snowball effect will push the stoner further and further down as the design develops over the product life cycle.


2. Be harmonious

Another core UX design principle is thickness. druggies interact with other operations and software outside of what you ’re structure. You need to understand that there are analogous UX design patterns across utmost of these apps, and your operation needs to mimic them.

For illustration, when you land on a web runner, there are certain effects that you anticipate like a menu bar at the top of the screen. Technically, a developer could put that menu bar anywhere. They could make it a slant menu that runs from the bottom left corner of the screen to the top right corner of the screen. But that would be inconsistent with everything a stoner knows about runner navigation.

There’s a fine line between being creative and consistent. However, it’s always stylish to err on the side of caution, If you ’re on the hedge. Do not break away from the “accepted morals” that people are used to. That’s the first part of being harmonious with your UX design. Next, you need to make sure your design is harmonious across all of your touchpoints. Your mobile app design, tablet app design, website design, and mobile web design should be harmonious as well. Then’s an illustration numerous of you can presumably relate to. However, you ’ll notice a harmonious experience between the web interpretation, desktop interpretation, If you use Slack for business messaging. This ensures that druggies have a flawless experience as they use the app across multiple bias, and they do not need to relearn the design every time.

 3. Establish a Visual scale

As a UX developer, you need to easily establish a visual scale on every screen. A quick regard at the runner should tell druggies everything they need to know about what’s important and what’s not. Bigger buttons are more important than lower buttons. An icon that’s a different color than every other clickable icon on the screen is meant to stand out. These are the types of design patterns that you need to incorporate into your design.

Then’s one illustration to show this point

The image on the right establishes a visual scale using both size and scale. an Applying color and discrepancy differences is another way to negotiate scale. Distance, propinquity, alignment, character, leading illness, the rule of thirds, perspective all of these are great design tricks for UX design. analogous to thickness, creating a scale is a two-fold process. In addition to the on- screen rudiments, you also need to suppose about creating a logical navigation scale. Each internal runner of the app should be no further than three clicks down from the home runner.

 4. Availability Testing

App availability must be taken into consideration when you ’re going through the UX design process. This is for visually bloodied druggies or anyone who might have trouble seeing effects on the screen. For illustration, certain colors can make it challenging for colorblind druggies to distinguish one button from another. Or perhaps commodity like enabling low light settings can make it easier for someone to use the app. Screen compendiums, markers, and other tools can be used to insure nothing is hindered by the design choices.

Having a high discrepancy between backgrounds and other on- screen rudiments can also help you design for availability. But eventually, you need to confirm these design choices with factual tests to insure they meet the requirements of certain druggies.

5. Usability Testing

As preliminarily mentioned, lots of UX contrivers tend to make hypotheticals about their choices. But those hypotheticals must be validated with UX exploration and stoner testing before they get applied to the app.

          Read more:  Ideal Suitable System for Android Mobile Application Advancement


This is the only way to truly see how real druggies interact with mobile app development companies Houston.

See if your design choices hamper or vitiate certain in- app conduct. Gather feedback about the design choices, navigation, and over all usability. However, no problem, If you ’ve no way been through this process ahead. We've an in- depth companion on how to perform stoner testing for your app that answers all of your questions and walks you through each step. I explosively recommend this resource as you apply this UX design principle.


6. Keep it Simple

Simplicity is another crucial UX design principle that’s frequently overlooked during the design process. You do not need to resuscitate the wheel. occasionally trying to be too creative and allowing too far outside of the box can do further detriment than good.

Stick to what works, and do not overcomplicate effects. A really clean, satiny, and ultramodern design without extras is always going to be a solid choice. Try not to clutter the runner or force redundant rudiments onto each screen. druggies should not feel overwhelmed with options or choices everything should be veritably straightforward and simple. This also relates back to our former UX design principle about testing. However, you should be suitable to snappily identify those areas when you ’re running tests, If effects are not simple. There are no fancy bells or hisses that will distract the stoner from performing conduct on each runner and navigating throughout the app.

 7. Typography

Contrivers do not always suppose about textbook as part of the design language. But typography has a significant impact on the stoner experience and must be considered during the design process. How will the typography seamlessly integrate with the different stoner interfaces of the product? You also need to make sure the typography is harmonious from screen to screen and across all of your touchpoints. Believe it or not, your typography choices can have a major impact on the way druggies interpret the textbook and language on the screen. In some cases, you can indeed integrate your typography with availability — a UX design principle that we bandied before. For illustration, larger textbook on the screen is easier to read.

This is a simple yet effective approach to applying these principles.

 8. environment

It may sound like a cliché, but environment is crucial when you ’re designing anything — especially a mobile app. This is commodity differently that numerous new UX contrivers frequently forget to consider in their systems. Your design choices can impact stoner gets and how druggies interpret the app. For illustration, let’s say you were erecting a fiscal planning app. Having tons of bright colors, images of zanies, and an recreation demesne theme would not really be applicable. The environment is way out.

To help you with the design environment, keep the following considerations in mind

What's the stoner’s thing?

What types of tasks is the stoner completing?

What type of brand image are you trying to convey?

What are the overall organizational pretensions of your brand?

What are the pretensions of the specific design?

What type of terrain and position will the stoner be in when using the app?

Apps used for particular use at home will have a different design environment than professional apps used in the office.

 9. Tell a Story

The stylish UX contrivers put some personality into their web designers. This makes the stoner experience more pleasurable if it feels like there’s a stoner persona associated with the design. Visual liar is one of the stylish ways to do this. Obviously, the exact story you tell will vary grounded on the type of app you ’re structure. As mentioned, the environment needs to make sense too. But this is surely an area where you can let your creative authority’s inflow. produce a narrative that the stoner can follow as they navigate from screen to screen. You can indeed use robustness or produce characters to tell the story for you. This is commodity that’s more common in gaming apps but can be applied to a wide range of implicit use cases.

 10. Get documentations

Helping druggies avoid miscalculations is one of the most important UX design principles to consider. For illustration, imagine if clicking on a product automatically facilitates a purchase in a single click. However, it could bring them plutocrat, If a stoner accidentally clicks the wrong button. Alternately, suppose of an app where the primary function is to make commodity important. perhaps they ’re using the app to produce a capsule or organize their portfolio. Imagine if a single button on the screen canceled all of their work. This would obviously not lead to a positive stoner experience.

That’s why you need to get documentations like “are you sure you want to cancel this? ”Indeed a simple “confirm order” button during the checkout process can get the job done. So do not forget these types of conduct when you ’re designing the app using a professional prototyping tool.

Final studies — What’s the utmost Important UX Design Principle?

There's no single most important UX design principle. You need to take all of these generalities into consideration when you ’re designing an app. However, we've an entire library of design coffers that you can source, If you need help or further alleviation. It covers everything from app design tools to branding, how- to basics, ebooks, and more. Alternately, you can lean on octal digital and pass your entire design process off to the experts.

With octal digital Plus, our platoon can handle all of the app design and development on your behalf. We ’ll work with you on wireframes, prototypes, and mockups to insure we ’re on the same runner. also we ’ll take your ideas and bring them to life. Schedule a free discussion to learn further and get started.


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